Western saddle
Horse Saddle

What is a Horse Saddle?

The Horse Saddle is a saddle designed to fit your horse's shape. It comes with a polyurethane padding that keeps the rider comfortable on long rides.
Our Horse Saddle takes our traditional Western saddle design, and adds modern features in today's best materials. With a padded Western seat pad of choice, you'll be able to find the perfect fit to get your horse comfortable while riding over any terrain.
This beautiful and durable saddle will make you want to ride more often. It provides the rider with a wide variety of styles and materials that can be used on any horse. The leather is thick and soft, making it a great option for long rides.
A saddle is an item of equine furniture utilized to control, inspire and, depending upon the level of saddle and equestrian, take care of a horse's rear end. Saddles are made by habitual workers such as saddlers or leather goods specialists. Along with equipment for managing horses in the field, a saddle incorporates things like stirrups and girths; in some cases it may incorporate items for securing the creature securely but quickly in the seat. The English word "saddle" comes from the Latin sagineria (English: "sag"). In olden times, packsaddles were indispensable for conveying loads on light packhorses.
This saddle is made for two things: riding and being ridden. If that sounds like you, you’re in luck. This saddle features a tree-stem design that provides your horse with plenty of support and comes in a variety of colors.
This was the next step in equestrian structuring, a fairly cushioned seat with front and back straps. Our Saddle is ideal for your favorite trails, or to ride your favorite road bike.
A saddle that truly embodies the beauty of horses, this elegant horse saddle is sure to be a favorite in any equestrian's stable. The dark brown color and intricate details make it an ideal example of classic beauty

What is a Saddle Tree?

A typical saddle includes a base frame or "tree"; a seat for the rider; skirts, panels and flaps that protect the horse from the rider's legs and vice versa; a girth that fits around the stomach of the horse and keeps the saddle stable; and stirrups for the rider's feet.A comfortable, well-fitting saddle is important for your horse's comfort and its ability to perform. This saddle has a tree that measures 16 inches in length and width, which is great for small breeds or lots of horsepower for one horse.This Horse Saddle will support your horse’s back and provide comfort during long rides. It has a durable construction that makes it capable of holding up in any environment. The wide seat is built to fit your body; the knee pads are padded, keeping them comfortable and safe.The Horse Saddle is truly the ultimate in comfort and style. It will support you on your horse in all weather conditions and give you the seat of power and control you have always wanted.This is a great new saddle, the panels are cushions divided by a channel that gives a comfortable padded surface to the horse's back while raising the tree high enough to give easy clearance of the animal's spine. The panels also disperse the rider's weight over a larger surface, thereby protecting the horse from the weight of the rider. These panels also protect the horse's back from the hardness of the saddle.The purpose of the skirts is to protect the rider's legs from the sweat of the horse, and to cover the girths and girth straps. Saddles also include D-rings, small leather straps with strings attached that can hold canteens, jackets, food pouches, and other items.This saddle is a classic, best-selling design that offers your horse comfortable padding and plenty of ventilation. It has long skirts to protect your legs from sweat, plus D-rings for drinks. The panels raise the tree high enough that you get easy clearance of your horse's spine, while channeling the weight over a larger surface at the same time.This Horse Saddle is built for comfort, with a contoured channel for the horse's back, padded panels to disperse the rider's weight, and skirts to protect the rider's legs from sweat. The purpose of these features is to make you comfortable and happy on your rides.

Horse Saddle Category

Modern English saddles are designed for show jumping and Olympian dressage. The seat is deep, with a sloped back, and is designed to position the rider more forward in order to free the horse's hindquarters.

With a modern saddle, riders have more control over their horses.

English saddles are divided into two broad categories: the jumping and dressage saddles. The most common type of English saddle is a jumping saddle, which positions the rider more forward on the horse's back for greater control. A riding class is often defined as a training method or an interpretation of a class within another sport, such as gymnastics, figure skating, diving and synchronized swimming.Our beautiful, handmade English saddles are a modern version of the classic show jumper saddle. With their deep seat and sloped back, this style provides both comfort and stability for the rider.Our English saddle is designed to provide a deeper seat and position the rider forward. This allows the rider to keep their legs far behind the movement of the horse, allowing them to move freely.